A 10ª edição dos «EIPM - Peter Kraljic Awards» realizou-se em Paris, no dia 12 de dezembro. Nesta edição, as empresas participantes foram reconhecidas nas seguintes categorias: "Value Creation", "Transformation", "Talent Management", "Process Excellence", "Sustainability", além do reconhecimento do desempenho geral notável de "The Organisation of the Year".

Bernard Gracia, presidente da EIPM, anunciou os vencedores e os troféus foram entregues por Dominique Lebigot, diretor de compras da Moët Hennessy (Grupo LVMH), vencedor do prémio «EIPM - Peter Kraljic Awards | 2018» na categoria "The Organisation of the Year".

Das empresas vencedoras a nível internacional estavam 3 empresas portuguesas:
BONDALTI, EFACEC e ANA - Aeroportos de Portugal.

Para felicitar presencialmente os vencedores a APCADEC fez-se representar por alguns membros da direção:
Patrícia Carvalho, Domingos Carrapito e o Presidente da Associação Carlos Lourenço.

Os vencedores do «EIPM - Peter Kraljic Awards | 2019»

Value Creation Top Line:
ANA Aeroportos de Portugal (Vinci Group) Corporate Procurement
ANA Corporate Procurement delivers large savings and collaborates with stakeholders and partners to increase airport capacity, passenger fluidity and revenues. It develops open innovation to achieve top line growth and improvement in passenger satisfaction.

Transformation with Sustained Results:
Bondalti Chemicals Procurement Organization
Bondalti new centralised Procurement & Chemical Regulatory Affairs team generates unquestionable value that, beyond the company, also benefits the customers and society. It is particularly caring about the environment, sustainability and risk management.

EFACEC Supply Chain Corporate Division
EFACEC Supply Chain Corporate Division deployed advanced tools and solutions to satisfy company needs. Sustainability is a business opportunity and procurement contributes to this through the product passport by consolidating the use of resources during its lifecycle and implementing scope for the circular economy.

Talent Management – Community Drive:
ENEL Global Procurement
ENEL Global Procurement invests in its talents to support its transformation and maximise value creation and stakeholder experience. The team has redesigned and is deploying new processes, strengthening open, innovative and sustainable procurement strategies.

Process Innovation and Digitalisation:
Sprint Purchase
Sprint Purchasing delivers ongoing results using fully digitalised processes. It continuously enhances its solutions to create additional value, and pilots new approaches and tools though its Digital lab and Connected lab, some using AI and cognitive technologies.

The Organisation of the Year:
Saudi Telecom Company Purchasing Organisation
The Organisation of the Year award acknowledges a remarkable overall performance. STC Procurement team has deployed more advanced solutions delivering superior results against STC challenging objectives: decisions are shared with the business, talent management is comprehensive, end-to-end processes are fully digitalised and automated, big data are exploited using AI. STC Procurement has played a decisive role to localise critical suppliers.

Os nossos parabéns por mais esta conquista!
Um agradecimento especial ao Philippe Armengaud, ao Bernard Gracia, ao Christian Kaemmerlen e a toda equipa EIPM pelo suporte na concretização deste objectivo!

Portugal elevou o Procurement a nível internacional. É motivo de orgulho!
Desejamos que no próximo ano, mais empresas portuguesas sintam-se motivadas a participar deste processo e a concorrer a este prestigiado prémio.

Consulte o website do evento:

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© APCADEC - Associação Portuguesa de Compras e Aprovisionamento | fundada em 1964