+ Info. and Registration

Participation is free, but the number of places is limited, and registration is required.

10 outubro, 2024

Genebra | SUIÇA

A unique and transformative workshop organized by EIPM on the topic of "People Development Strategies for Procurement Professionals".

This exclusive event, taking place on the 10th of October 2024 from 09:30 to 17:30 in Geneva, Switzerland, is designed to empower Purchasing Leaders and Human Resources professionals with cutting-edge strategies for developing their teams and driving organizational success.

Workshop Highlights:

  • Bridging Perspectives: Gain invaluable insights from both Chief Procurement Officers and HR professionals. Understand the unique needs and challenges from each side and discover how collaborative efforts can lead to comprehensive solutions.
  • A CPO's Vision: Hear directly from forward thinking CPOs as they share their vision and strategies on people development.
  • HR Insights: Learn how HR strategies can be tailored to support the unique requirements of procurement functions.
  • Innovative Approaches from EIPM: Explore research-based outcomes and non-traditional approaches presented by EIPM, offering fresh perspectives and innovative strategies for people development.

Additional Benefits:

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow CPOs, HR professionals, and People Development specialists from across Europe, expanding their professional network and exchanging valuable ideas.
  • Collaborative Sessions: Engage in interactive and brainstorming sessions that bring together procurement and human resources attendees, working together to find the best solutions.
  • Inspiration and Practical Solutions: Leave the workshop with a wealth of inspiration, actionable ideas, and ready-to-apply solutions to implement within their organizations.

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